Australia, here we come!

It's time! I leave for Australia tonight. I packed all of last night so I hope that I have evrything now... Im just a little worried about the weight of the suitcase, so Iäm goingto check that after this post.

I'm going to school in like an hour. It's the final day so we are just going to the assembly room, where we will listen to the choir singing some christmas songs and then we can just go. It'll be nice to go though and get a chance to say goodbye to everyone!

I'll post something as soon as I get there and have internet conection! Take care!

It's getting closer...

Now there are only a couple of days left before we leave for Austalia! Im so excited and im looking forward to the summer weather so much and to take it easy after this long fall with school and everything.
I have started to take out all my summer clothes, shoes and sunscreen! I can hardly belive it...


Tredje Advent och Lucia!

I just got home from Laura about an hour ago. Maja, Laura and I have been studying for our history test that we have on tuesday and now i really have to get started on a speech that i have tomorrow.

[Ha en bra tredje advent!! <3]

11 days...

...until I leave for Australia with Sofia, Agnes and Ida. It's probably a good time to digg out all the summer clothes and shoes this weekend! I can't believe we are are leaving so soon and going to Sydney where it's summer right now! Agnes, Sofia and I were in town this afternoon to get some christmas gifts for Gen and her family! We got some typical Sweish things for her family. We are also thinking about what food we ant to bring with us for them to try!

Even though it's so close, it stills like it's far away since we have so much in school these last to weeks. We have many tests and assignments to hand in in just the eight days of school that we have left. On friday we have a four hour long math test that I'm not looking forward to.

Now I'm going to go make a cup of tea and then start doing some homework... ♥

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